Gifts and Entertainment

Our success is built on strong, trusting relationships with our customers and business partners. To build and maintain these relationships, we may provide or receive reasonable gifts and appropriate entertainment in certain circumstances.
However, we can never provide or receive such gifts or entertainment if they in any way obligate or appear to obligate the recipient. A gift that is allowed in one country and under Flex’s policies may be prohibited by the recipient country or company. Please refer to Flex’s Gift & Entertainment Guidelines when giving or receiving a gift and if there is any question about whether a gift is allowed, always ask a manager or the Ethics and Compliance Team.
We never ask for or accept any gifts, entertainment or other business courtesies that could influence or appear to influence business decisions. If we are offered or given something of value in the course of a business relationship, we must report it to a manager immediately.

Ask yourself
My team has been working closely with a customer on building its automation capabilities. We’ve been through lots of ups and downs to get the system going. Recently, a manager from this customer offered me a pretty impressive gift. She told me I could use her company’s season tickets for basketball and hockey games whenever I want. She said they never use all of them, and that I deserve it for my work with her company. It’s tempting, but wouldn’t this be in violation of our policy?
Yes, accepting a large gift of value from a customer without approval is against Flex policy. We win and keep business based on the quality of our work. While accepting tickets to a single game (with appropriate approvals) might be okay, a gift of season tickets would be perceived as potentially influencing your business judgment. You should politely decline the offer and inform your manager of the offer.