Living and Working by Our Code

Flex’s lasting success depends on all of us committing to live and work by this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

As leaders, managers have a special role to play. Managers are the first line of reporting. Any concerns about violations of our Code or the law are also managers’ concerns. To best play their role, managers must:
- Keep an open door so employees feel comfortable reporting concerns
- Escalate concerns properly and in a timely manner
- Lead by example in following our Code
Through our Open Door Policy, employees will often come to managers with their concerns or managers may see misconduct directly. Below is a quick reference guide for the kinds of matters that should be immediately reported to the Ethics and Compliance Team, either through the reporting tool or to compliance.counts@flex.com. This is intended as a reference tool and not an all-inclusive list, so if you have any doubt about whether to escalate an issue to the Ethics and Compliance Team, you should err on the side of raising the issue.
What do I need to report as a manager?
Things to report right away include allegations of:
- Retaliation
- Discrimination or harassment
- Failing to respect diversity, including failures to accommodate medical needs
- Sexual harassment (verbal, physical or digital — including on social media)
- Unsafe working conditions
- RBA violations, including human rights concerns and unsanitary or unsafe dormitories or transportation
- Financial misstatement or reporting
- Theft
- Solicitation or receipt of kickbacks
- Corrupt behavior, particularly involving public officials
- Trade sanctions violations
- IT security violations or data breaches
- Mishandling of intellectual property, including use of unlicensed software
- Conflicts of interest
It’s everyone’s job to live and work by the Code. Our Code applies to all those working for Flex and its subsidiaries or those conducting business on Flex’s behalf, whether as employees, agency workers, officers, board members or business affiliates. Flex’s business affiliates include temporary personnel, vendors, suppliers, contractors, consultants, representatives and agents of Flex.