Treating Everyone with Respect

As one of our foundational Ways of Working, Respect and Value Others, we strive to maintain a workplace where individuals are free from all forms of harassment or abuse, including sexual harassment and bullying.
Harassment can be verbal or physical and can also include inappropriate comments, pictures or other material that is shared electronically, including on social media. Remember that it doesn’t have to be shared at the workplace to violate Flex policy.
Our people are our most valuable asset, and we are committed to creating a safe working environment. By doing so, we support each other in pursuit of the best and most productive ways to work. We never work under the influence of any substance that could impair our ability to work safely. At minimum, we always comply with all applicable workplace health and safety requirements, and we always immediately report any unsafe conditions at the workplace, in a dormitory or on Flex-provided transportation.
Ask yourself
I don’t mind a little humor to lighten the workday, as long as I’m not too distracted. But lately one of my team members has been going too far. He’s been making sexual comments about people’s bodies, including mine, and I can see the looks of discomfort on people’s faces. I’ve tried to talk to him about it, but he just tells me that I can’t take a joke. What should I do?
Your co-worker’s behavior is unacceptable. Making unwanted sexual comments about people’s bodies is a form of sexual harassment. We should all be able to do our best work, free from harassment or abuse. Discuss the matter with your manager, HR or the Ethics and Compliance Team to raise your concern, or make a confidential report.